Presun potionu

Skripty týkající se tohoto externího programu

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Book Snake
Book Snake
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Presun potionu

Příspěvek od Leny-m »

Skript na presun potionu z baglu 'from' do baglu 'to'. Potiony bere v poradi tmr, gh, gs, tr, gc, gb. Kazdy typ potionu stackuje na sebe, da se velice snadno upravit, aby je rozhazoval do strany, staci posunout posouvani do vnitrniho for cyklu. Bacha na 250 pauzu, dlouho jsem nehral a netusim, jaka jsou ted pravidla.

E: code to docela dost kazi, tak jsem provizorne nahodil syntax higlighter a hodil jsem to do skladiste sem



Kód: Vybrat vše

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Phoenix;
using Phoenix.Runtime;
using Phoenix.WorldData;

// made by Leny-m

namespace Scripts.DarkParadise
    public class MovePotions
		int size = 6;
		public void movePotions(){
            UO.Print("Choose source container");
            UOItem from = new UOItem(UIManager.TargetObject());
            UO.Print("Choose target container");
            UOItem to = new UOItem(UIManager.TargetObject());

			UOItem[] potions = new UOItem[size];
			potions[0] = World.Player.Backpack.AllItems.FindType(0x0F09,0x0003); // tmr
			potions[1] = World.Player.Backpack.AllItems.FindType(0x0F0C,0x0000); // gh
			potions[2] = World.Player.Backpack.AllItems.FindType(0x0F09,0x0000); // gs
			potions[3] = World.Player.Backpack.AllItems.FindType(0x0F0B,0x0000); // tr
			potions[4] = World.Player.Backpack.AllItems.FindType(0x0F07,0x0000); // gc
			potions[5] = World.Player.Backpack.AllItems.FindType(0x0F0C,0x0025); // gb
			ushort x = 15;
			ushort y = 15;			
			for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
				x += 10;
				int amount = UO.Count(potions[i].Graphic, potions[i].Color);
				UO.Print("Moving {2} x {0}, {1}", potions[i].Graphic, potions[i].Color, amount);
				for(int j = 0; j < amount; j++)
					UOItem found = from.AllItems.FindType(potions[i].Graphic, potions[i].Color);
					found.Move(0, to, x, y);